


Dorothy McDonald Hyde Cherissa Richards - West Indian Diary 2011 Joseph Pierre - West Indian Diary 2011 Peter Bailey - West Indian Diary 2011 Andrea Scott - West Indian Diary 2011 Jamie Robinson - West Indian Diary 2011 Joseph Pierre, Peter Bailey, Andrea Scott, Jamie Robinson, Cherissa Richards - West Indian Diary 2011 Peter Bailey, Andrea Scott - West Indian Diary 2011 Peter Bailey, Andrea Scott, Jamie Robinson, Joseph Pierre - West Indian Diary 2011 Jamie Robinson, Joseph Pierre - West Indian Diary 2011 Not So Comic Book created by the Industrial Workers of the World The latest Local 1001 videos produced for the CLC Alan Merovitz as Ma Bell Alan Merovitz as a Bell Canada worker That's Danger! video set Shannon Johnson, Maria Dunn and David Ward in Daysland Maria Dunn May Day March with IWW banner and float by Memi von Gaza People's Poets latest CD. Rhonda Payne and Gwen Baillie with OCHU members from Peterborough. Condé / Beveridge projection Condé / Beveridge projection Susan Newman and Rob Fortin, music. Ron Meetoos in a workshop. Curve Lake participants. Peterborough participants by the Trent Canal. Catherine Bruce as Helen Fessenden. James O'Regan as Reginald Fessenden. (l-r) Gwen Baillie, James O'Regan, Aida Jordao. Vald Gomez (left frame) and Rod Loyola (right frame) facilitate the workshop at the AFL. Pat Darbasie, Amber Valley 2009 Pat Darbasie, Amber Valley 2009 Pat Darbasie, Amber Valley 2009 Sharmila Mathur in Edmonton Shannon Johnson in Winnipeg Maria Dunn in Edmonton Tantoo Cardinal and Earl Klein in a Catalyst show. Maria Dunn performing in Edmonton Edmonton, May 2009 Members of Banner Theatre perform Migrant Voices, Brandon, Manitoba 2003 Don at a workshop presentation, Birmingham UK 2007 Banner Theatre Popular Education Workshop, 2008 Virgilio Paz in front of the Art Gallery of Alberta Image by Condé / Beveridge created for The River Image by Condé / Beveridge created for The River Image by Condé / Beveridge created for The River Image by Condé / Beveridge created for The River Pat Darbasie, Amber Valley 2009 Stage set for Ribbon, Amber Valley 2009 Maria Dunn performs a solo version in Saskatoon, 2005 Jennifer Spencer, Michele Brown, Pat Darbasie and Paul Morgan Donald A performance in the Council chambers at Toronto City Hall. Rosa John as the Old Woman makes a Star Blanket. Performance at The Theatre Centre, 1989. Baba Yaaga's house by Memi von Gaza Mike Desautels performs with striking workers from the Shaw Conference Centre, 2002 A/Wake installation by Memi von Gaza Day of Mourning ceremony, Edmonton City Hall 2007 The Hitting Home company busk Kensington Market. The company at CAW DeHavilland union hall. John Jarvis and Tish McSorely performing in Port Elgin. John Blackwood, projection - Condé / Beveridge. (l-r) Patty Jarvis, Luc Iogna, Helen Claire Tingling, Ron Meetoos, Diane Roberts, Jane Field. (l-r) Rob Winslow, Gwen Baillie, Kate Story. Lakshmi, the Cow Goddess, created by Chris Smith. Carlos Barahona, Gwen Baillie, Jorge Barahona. Puppets designed by Jerrard Smith. Thandie Mpumlwana struggles with Gwen Baillie as The Germ. The Big Heads in the OCHU M*A*S*H tent. The Puppet Master on the streets of Peterborough. Probably the only time GZP will be featured in the Report on Business. Communities united against NAFTA.