The Otonabee River Chronicles

“An incredible, wonderful way to use the park … It was great to see the community representing itself.”

-quote from an audience member on the Peterborough Examiner front page September 6, 1992.

For most of the 90s, Don Bouzek had a house and studio on the bank of the Otonabee River in Peterborough, Ontario. This show was a tribute to the history of both the white and Aboriginal communities in that area.

The story of the area was depicted in a series of site-specific installations and performances around the City Museum grounds.

The Chronicles were developed through a parallel workshop process in Peterborough, working with the Museum and the Kawartha World Issues Centre, and on the Curve Lake First Nation Reserve. The resulting community pageant was presented by over 75 participants from both communities.

Creative Team: Don Bouzek, Rob Fortin, Ron Meetoos, Rosa John, Patricia Yim Johnston, Sue Newman, Thom Schroeter, Jerrard Smith, Natalie Warner

Performing Artists: Emily Cookson, Shannon Crowley, Evan Doherty, Erin Elliot, Lori Fournier, Nicole Higgs, Jason Hofsteed, Melissa Jacobs, Sonny Jacobs, Chrissy Knott, Mindy Knott, Laura McNaughton, Jenny Miller, David Montgomery, Adam Redsky, Penny Robillard, Candace Shaw, Cassie Shaw, Sammi Shaw, Sylvie Smith, Brandon Stoutenburg, Chris Stoutenburg, Juwain St. John, John Shymkowich, Aricka Taylor, Bob Taylor, Charlotte Taylor, Courtney Taylor, Donovan Taylor, Jason Taylor, Tiffany Taylor, Lisa Wagner, Jeff Westbrook

Stage Manager: Jennifer Peddie Richers

Special Creative Input: Jorge Barahona, John Lang